Thrilling Run

The early stage of what turned out to be a WAR with the score 0-0, I was handed the ball by my best friend Reece Foy and was pursued by  long haired giants.  As I had the pigskin in my arms tightly wrapped, I could hear the pounding in my heart of excitement but also fear.  I was worried that big number 9 would come and demolish me.  His 6 foot 250 pound frame was indimadating but what was more intimidating was the sound waves he was sending with his roaring voice when he said “OH I’M COMING”.  His forceful stops gave me a vibration to my feet which was so powerful that it went to the tips of my hair.  As he came closer, I ran faster until three guys came and delivered a booming hit that sent a vibration through my whole body.  After I got up and gave a loud roar to my teammates saying “LETS GO!!!!” The sound waves of my voice was sent through the whole stadium.

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