Thrilling Plane ride


You’re probably wondering why this picture aren’t you? well I had a dream one of those final destination dream! Let me tell you it was trippy! The dream reminded me about my trip to San Diego where I thought there must be something wrong with the plane.  The amplitude of the jet was fiercely loud!  The scary part about this moment of the plane ride was that I was not in my seat with my seatbelt on.  I was walking to go to the bathroom and as the plane kept shaking due to the heavy turbulence, I felt shocks, electric shocks as touched very metal object.  It was a very uncomfortable shock because it gave me a very sharp pinch.  The jet of the plane was soooo loud that it sounded like a big sub that had a ridiculously  mean or “Knarly” base!  Even though I was pretty scared, I was thinking what if I had sounds like that big jet? Then I thought after playing a second of the song, I would be deaf.

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